We aim to be your home
away from home

University Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS) celebrates a diverse university community.
We look forward to welcome you on campus, and to help you achieving your personal and academic goals during your study here.

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International Students

USAS welcomes international students from all over the world to further their studies at our university. We hope that your experience here will become an enjoyable memory and that you will have many happy memories of USAS and Malaysia to bring with you back to your home countries



بدأ تاريخ جامعة السلطان أزلن شاه في عام 1999، مما يعكس تحولًا رائعًا من كونها كلية إلى جامعة كاملة.

أُنشئت كلية دار الرضوان الإسلامية (KISDAR) بموجب قانون المدارس الدينية الإسلامية لعام 1996. تم إنشاء KISDAR بناءً على طلب صاحب السمو الملكي المتوفى سلطان فيرق دار الرضوان، السلطان أزلن محب الدين شاه في عام 1986. تم تأسيسها في عام 1999 بمقرها المؤقت الذي يقع في شارع داتو سيري شاري، بإيبوه، وافتتحه صاحب السمو الملكي المتوفى سلطان فيرق دار الرضوان، السلطان أزلن محب الدين شاه في 16 أكتوبر 1999. تم إنشاء KISDAR بموجب القانون رقم 3 لعام 2000، قانون حكومة ولاية فيرق دار الرضوان. تم تقديم القانون والموافقة عليه من قبل مجلس ولاية فيرق في 19 نوفمبر 2001 ومنحه من قبل صاحب السمو الملكي المتوفى سلطان فيرق دار الرضوان، سلطان أزلن محب الدين شاه في 6 مارس 2002.



Kuala Kangsar is the Royal Town of Perak, an idyllic town prospering on the banks of the Perak River. The town is rich with historical and cultural sites, with a lot to offer.
Getting to Kuala Kangsar from the capital city of Kuala Lumpur, you can either take the North-South Expressway or the Electric Train Service heading North. The town is approximately three hours away from Kuala Lumpur; 30 kilometres from the city of Ipoh.
The facilities available within the township are a hospital and numerous private clinics, a train station, a bus station, government offices, banks convenient stores, hotels, places of worships and a public library – just to list a few.

International Student Handbook

The USAS International Student Handbook is to assist you, the international student to begin the process of adjusting to a different culture and educational system.

مساعد المالي

The International Relations Unit is always open to all international students and we hope that you will visit the unit often as well as ask questions related to your studies at this university.

To be a ‘one-stop centre’ in coordinating the internationalization of the University activities.

To be an outstanding one-stop centre that promotes University’s excellence and quality services, anchored by global knowledge networks and renowned partner institutions worldwide.

Monday – Friday     8.00am – 5.00pm




Foundation, Diploma, Bachelor, Master and PhD
البرامج المقدمة


Application Procedures For International Students
Application Procedures

Face of USAS

Embarking on a journey as a university student is hugely exciting, but it can also be a little daunting. Perhaps more so if you are travelling to study abroad, as you will be entering a completely different culture and environment altogether



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.