Centre for ODL & Professional Education

The executive management of USAS has decided to set up a division that plays a role in open studies & distance learning. Thus, the division was established as the Centre for Open & Distance Learning on 2 August 2019.

To create an efficient and conducive open & distance learning system, as well as meeting the educational aspirations of the community.

To provide flexible learning opportunities for students, regardless of location and time.


  1. To offer programmes that cater to the current industrial market.
  2. To design high quality, interesting and interactive contents for students.
  3. To provide efficient, friendly and knowledgeable facilitators for the offered programmes.
  4. To provide e-learning platform and support system for students’ guidance that are user-friendly.


The Center for Open & Distance Learning serves with emphasis on the following criteria: –

  1. Knowledge Delivery. This is the most important basis for the implementation of open & distance learning carried out through various approaches such as student-oriented learning, teachers as facilitators, presentation of interactive and interesting subject content and user-friendly platform (system) which are the foremost priorities when managing this learning style.
  2. Quality. Important components such as subject content as well as presentation methods, efficient systems along with scheduled monitoring constitute elements that are essential.

Job description of the Director of Centre for Open & Distance Learning.

  1. Head of Division for APEL Assessment Centre.
  2. One-stop centre for APEL application and assesment.
  3. To provide feedback and guidance relating to the application process, admission and certification based on APEL.
  4. To provide guidance and coaching for each candidate during the APEL assessment application process.
  5. To process application for admission and to inform the assessment date.
  6. To prepare the assessment instruments for each candidate.
  7. To appoint the Portfolio Assessor and Panel of Interviewers.

الطابق الثالث، مبنى الإدارة
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
Bukit Chandan
33000 Bandar Diraja Kuala Kangsar
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel : 05-773 2247
Email : admin.odl@usas.edu.my



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.