Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science

Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science is responsible for offering Islamic Studies academic programmes and subjects stipulated by the University. In ensuring effective and efficient achievement of its functions through the practice of good governance, the Faculty is divided into four departments and one unit:

  1. Usuluddin Department
  2. Shariah Department
  3. Arabic Language and Literature Department
  4. Human Sciences Department
  5. General Administration Unit

Faculty of Islamic Studies and Social Science offers Diploma programmes, Bachelor’s degree programmes, Master’s degree programmes and Doctoral programmes. All the study programmes are approved and endorsed by the Department of Higher Education and the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

الطابق الأول، مبنى الإدارة
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
Bukit Chandan
33000 Bandar Diraja
Kuala Kangsar
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel : 05-773 2335,
05-773 2315
Email : admin_fpi@usas.edu.my



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.