قسم الأنظمة وتقنية المعلومات

The System and Technology Management Department has been rebranded from the former Information Technology Department, in line with the transformation of KUISAS into USAS. This was done to consolidate the management and responsibilities of the department in facing current changes.

The System and Technology Management Department is responsible for the management of the university information system by ensuring that all the requirements for implementation and running of the information system are well and systematic. The department is also responsible for ensuring that all the requirements related to information technology, communication and media are well-provided and functional; in accordance with the needs of the organisation.

In ensuring that its functions are effectively and efficiently achieved through the practices of good governance, the System and Technology Management Department is divided into three units:

1. Innovation Unit;

2. Infra Unit;

3. Admin Unit

In line with the challenging current changes, the System and Technology Management Department always acts proactively in providing the best support to USAS in order to achieve the targeted goals.


  1. Ensuring the ICT equipment needs are met in accordance to current technological development
  2. Ensuring that ICT skills are mastered by all levels of USAS staff
  3. Developing systems capable of facilitating the day-to-day tasks of USAS staff

الطابق الثاني، مبنى الإدارة
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
Bukit Chandan
33000 Bandar Diraja
Kuala Kangsar
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: 05-773 2311,05-773 2601
05-773 2215
Email : admin_it@usas.edu.my



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.