Award and Recognition


The Asian Islamic Universities Association (AIUA) was founded in April 2015, during the 1st Roundtable Conference of Rectors of Islamic Higher Institutions of Malaysia at Riau Declaration.

The purpose of this association is to assist member institutions to strengthen themselves through mutual cooperation and to achieve international distinction in education, research and public service; using holistic Islamic approaches. In so doing, the institutions will contribute strength to their respective nations and to the entire region. Specifically, the Association exists to foster the development of the member institutions, to cultivate the sense of regional identity, and to nurture an interdependence and liaison with other regional and international organizations; with respect to research and education.


Global Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT) was recognized and awarded the Jurnal Crème 2019 (for Scopus Journal category) on November 5, 2019. The awardment was a collaboration between Clarivate Analytics, Elsevier, and the Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Higher Education Global Journal Al-Thaqafah (GJAT) is a biannual journal, published by Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS), Perak, MALAYSIA.

This journal is purely academic and peer reviewed. It caters to articles, research notes and reports, and book reviews on diverse topics relating to Islam and the Muslims. This journal is intended to provide an avenue for researchers and academics from all persuasions and traditions to share and discuss differing views, new ideas, theories, research outcomes, and socio-cultural and socio-political issues that impact on and directly or indirectly affect the Muslim World with the sole purpose of making this world a better place to live in. GJAT started in 2011 and was later granted the SCOPUS status in March 2014. Since then, GJAT has published numerous articles and materials from international contributors.

Asian Islamic Quality Assurance

USAS is the first institution to be accredited with AIQA – AIUA, in force from 12th December 2019 to 11th December 2024 following the audit by the Asian Islamic Quality Assurance (AIQA) panel in November 2019. The accreditation acknowledged the fulfillment of the stipulated criteria and standards.


MS ISO 9001:2015

USAS was awarded the MS ISO 9001:2008 accreditation on 24th December 2014, and upgraded to MS ISO 9001:2015 on 17th January 2018

Recognition from the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia

USAS and its programmes are officially recognized by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

IBFIM’s Islamic Finance Talent Development Champion Award

USAS was awarded the IBFIM’s Islamic Finance Talent Development Champion Award, for the Academic Category at the IBFIM 3rd Certifications Award Ceremony. The award represents the highest achievement for USAS product in enhancing the quality of education in addition to providing teachers and students of professional calibre.



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
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