Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Administration and Finance Office
Level 3, Administrative Building
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah,
Bukit Chandan,
33000 Kuala Kangsar,
Perak Darul Ridzuan.
E-mail : tnc.pk@usas.edu.my
Tel. : 05-773 2215
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Anas Bin Md. Yusof was appointed the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Administration and Finance of Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah (USAS) in 2016. He served as the Deputy Rector of Administration and Finance since 2011, which this position has been renamed to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Management and Finance following the upgrade of this institution as a full-university.
He graduated with a Bachelor of Accounting degree from the International Islamic University of Malaysia (IIUM) in 1997. In 2004, he received his Master in Business Management degree from Universiti Teknologi Mara. He is a Chartered Accountant registered with the Malaysia Institute of Accountant (MIA), and a member of Malaysian Association of Tax Accountants (MATA).
He started his career as an Executive Accountant at Abrar Corporation in 1997. In 1998, he served as an Accountant with IMT Defence Sdn. Bhd., one of the leading players in the local defence industry. On August 2001, he served as the Senior Executive in the Finance and Funds Management Department at Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP). Throughout his career in UTP, he was appointed as a Head of Unit and a Manager respectively. In 2011, he was a appointed the role of the Deputy Rector of Administration and Finance di Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan (KISDAR) by the State Government of Perak.
He is active in cooperatives and societies such as being the Chairman of Koperasi Iktisad Taiping Berhad. On a regional level, he is a member Consulting Committee of the Southern Region Research Centre (SRRC), Thailand.