Objective & Philosophy


The objectives of USAS establishment are:-

  • To provide higher education and to take any incidental action in accordance with all provisions stipulated in the USAS Act and Constitution.
  • To develop a diversity of knowledge branches ; from both areas of naqliah (revelation) and by akliah (reason), which are consistent with the tenets of al-Sunnah Wa al-Jama’ah via teaching, research, consultation and publication.
  • To implement all matters necessary in achieving the abovementioned objectives, in accordance with law.


  • To embody and spread the concept of Rahmatan Lil ’Alamin (bringing blessings and mercy to the entire world) in line with the Prophet (PBUH)’s footsteps, as highlighted by Allah S.W.T in Surah Al-Anbiya’, verse 107, which is the University’s motto.
  • To integrate Ilmu (Knowledge), Iman (Faith), Amal (Practice) and Ihsan (God-Consciousness) among the members of the institution.
  • To reinforce and uphold the tenets of al-Sunnah Wa al-Jama’ah which is based on the belief of Asya’irah and Maturidiyah in the field of aqidah, Shafi’i madhab in the field of fiqh, and the manhaj (methodology) of Imam al-Junayd and Imam al-Ghazali in the field of tasawwuf, as well as other renowned scholars who are like-minded; in all areas of knowledge, publications, media or verbal statements, and University activities.


The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.