Faculty of Management and Information Technology

The Faculty of Management and Information Technology comprises of two departments:

  1. Management Department
  2. Information Technology Department.

The main goal of its establishment is to produce a learned generation with knowledge and skills in the fields of management and technology. In addition to focusing on the resolution of problems, study programmes under the Faculty include Islamic values in the learning process which gives added values to students.

The striking feature of this Faculty is the combination of management and technology which is translated into various resources and expertise in producing graduates to fulfil the need for human capital with various skills:

  1. Academic staff comprising professionals with extensive experience in the fields of management, computers and multimedia.
  2. Oriented towards the application of knowledge, provision of training in planning and continuous guidance.
  3. Students are given the opportunity to obtain practical training by undergoing internship in the private and public sectors.

Level 1, Administrative Building
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
Bukit Chandan
33000 Bandar Diraja
Kuala Kangsar
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel : 05-773 2386
05-773 2284
Email : admin_fptm@usas.edu.my



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