Quality Assurance Management Department

The Internal Quality Assurance Unit, also known as the Quality Assurance Management Department, was established on 16 April 2018.


In line with the vision, mission and philosophy of USAS, the objectives of this department are:

  1. To ensure that the academic programmes comply with the stipulated academic standards (Malaysian Qualifications Agency and the Department of Higher Education);
  2. To ensure that the service delivery system is efficient and effective;
  3. To ensure that risk management is carried out carefully at each level;
  4. To ensure that data and documents are updated frequently and in accordance with the regulations, policies and guidelines stipulated.

Client Charter

  1. Professionally conduct audits in accordance with the accepted general standards.
  2. Produce audit finding reports that are impartial and balanced.
  3. Conduct continuous audits and observation of each recommendation and matter arising from the audit findings.
  4. Produce the annual internal audit planning before the end of January of the following year.
  5. Submit pre- and post-audit reports to the audited party within fourteen (14) days of their submission to the Vice Chancellor.
  6. Ensure that each educational programme conducted complies with the guidelines of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency as well as the terms stipulated by the Ministry of Education.
  7. Ensure that each educational programme is carried out within the approval period given by the relevant authority.

Ground Floor, Administrative Building
Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah
Bukit Chandan
33000 Bandar Diraja
Kuala Kangsar
Perak Darul Ridzuan
Tel: 05-773 2282
Email  : adminaudit@usas.edu.my



The website in Arabic is in the process of updating.
Thank you.